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Fried & Friedman @ a wedding in Crown Heights

Fried & Friedman @ a wedding in Crown Heights

Benny FRIEDMAN & Avraham FRIED

Benny and Avremel singing at a wedding in C.H. Thursday Night, December 24th at Razag Hall in Crown Heights. They did a beautiful duet of I’m Eshkacheich by the chupah.

photos courtesy: Sruly Meyer

DSC_1408Benny & Shalom Wagshul


DSC_1429Neshoma Orchestra

DSC_1432Avraham Fried

DSC_1449Benny & Avremel


DSC_1467(from l to r) Benny, Avi Newmark, Sruly Meyer & Shalom Wagshul

DSC_1485so BIG yet so SMALL

Tags assigned to this article:
Avraham FriedBenny Friedman

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  1. Menachem
    Menachem 26 December, 2009, 21:31

    I was there and let me tell you, the singing was really beautiful. Benny and Avraham both made this a very special night. .

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