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Gad Elbaz with new single “Chelek Mimeni”

Gad Elbaz with new single “Chelek Mimeni”

Gad Elbaz is a huge and highly regarded singer with amazing vocal capabilities, and for years a star on the traditional community, with a resume of countless performances in Israel and abroad (including Caesarea!). For the past three years Gad has been hard at work in the studio tocreate a special new album aimed at religious and secular alike.

“Chelek Mimeni” – is the first single to be released from the album in question. Words: Noam Horev / Music: Itai Calderon, Gad Elbaz Meital Edrazon. Real song, revealing and exciting, combining the vocal abilities of Gad Elbaz with the rich quality of processing Calderon me – for your enjoyment. The album took part in the process known as Nadav Biton Kobi “Subliminal” Shimoni.

Click PLAY below to hear to song

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Chelek MimeniGad Elbaz

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Write a comment
  1. Braina Faiga
    Braina Faiga 30 July, 2012, 15:47

    This is a gorgashos songa.
    The melodies. are wedy nyce.
    Thank you very muchkadovas.

  2. vollish krokava
    vollish krokava 30 July, 2012, 15:51

    Hello dees is brainee’s husbind.
    I agree.
    taka a wedy nice songa.
    gad elbaz, please maka more like dees one.
    thank you muchkadovas.

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