The new rhythmic album of Udi he new rhythmic album of Udi he new rhythmic album of Udi Davidi: “I Davidi: “I Davidi:”Im Ein Ani
At last, after promises to produce a new rhythmic hit song, it has happened, Udi
Davidi launches his first single from a new album that, with God’s will, will come out
Davidi is considered as the most prominent singer among all the creative artists in
the Jewish music, but not only in it. Udi’s previous albums that were sold in tens of
thousands of copies can be found in many places and in every congregation. Udi’s
songs have become big hits and are played at many happy occasions, events, or
Davidi’s abilities on stage have also become well- known. His stirring performances
prove that the Israeli public in all its ranges – religious, secular and Jewish orthodox
seek and find quality Jewish music. Music critics claim that Udi has been able to crack
the formula, and that he is able to create sure hits in modesty and humble way. His
hits conquer the hearts and deal with daily spiritual themes, with the relation to God
Almighty, and in existing in joy.
Davidi is known to have a unique clean and professional style with a positive
personal saying. In recent times there have been many requests that ask Udi to
create rhythmic songs once more. He promised that towards his fourth album he will
write a few up- beat songs for all those who like rhythm. The first single speaks for
The lyrics and the music to the attached single, "Im Ein Ani" were written by Udi
and his wife Lilach Davidi. The production was done by Udi Davidi and Avi Tal,
musical production by Avi Tal. The song was recorded in Medikol studios.
Davidi lives in the settlement of Ma’on and works as a shepherd for a living.
Distribution by Hindik Productions.
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