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The Prayer of Israel’s Defense Attorney Was Refreshed – Yonathan Shahar Seeks “Ten Koach”

The Prayer of Israel’s Defense Attorney Was Refreshed – Yonathan Shahar Seeks “Ten Koach”

Yonathan Shahar is a Breslov singer and musician from Yerushalayim. He is one of the founders of the drop in centers for Yerushalmi/Chareidi youth called Mevaser Tov.

He just released a new song called Ten Koach. The words are taken from the Tefillah of R’ Levi Yitzchak Berditchever for Motzei Shabbos. The song was produced and arranged by Avi Tal.

Yonathan Shahar

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Avi TalMevaser TovTen KoachYonathan Shahar

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