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R’ Shloime Taussig With His Second New EP Album! “5 Kolos #2”

Two years after its debut, the second album in R’ Shloime Taussig’s EP album series is now hot off the press. The original 5 Kolos was one of the pioneers of the EP format in chasidic music and with siyata

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Srulik Raizman & Friends – ‘V’Kisei Dovid’

Srulik Raizman and his friends are releasing a brand new single called V’Kisei Dovid, Featuring Yoeli Klein, Yoeli Davidovicz, and Shuki Goldstein. The song was composed by Shmulik Frank.

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Shimmy Sklar, Zanvil Weinberger & Neranena In The Performance of The Masterpiece “Mo Oshiv”

Shimmy Sklar, Zanvil, and the Neranena Choir performed at a fancy Bar Mitzvah recently, where they performed the classic Vizhnitzer Mo Oshiv from R’ Mendel Pollack.

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“Ha’Aretz Ha’Tovah” Chaim Stern Connects With A New Single

Chaim Stern is releasing a brand new single called Ha’Aretz Ha’Tovah, composed by Yossi Green and arranged by Benny Laufer.

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TYH Nation Presents: HIGHER – Aryeh Rubin

We were listening to a Yid in shul learning the halachic topic of Maalin Bakodesh V’Ein Moridin. This principle teaches that when something is set aside for a holy purpose, it can be elevated, but it should never be lowered

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Yoeli Doppelt Presents His Debut Album “Shiru Shiru”

Yoeli lives in Boro Park with his family where he is on staff at the Chaburah of Brooklyn ( and operates his construction waste business, Gold Industriez. Yoeli and his family lived in Yerushalayim for 15 years. He was a

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The Flagship Project “Kumzing 3” Album Release Show Featuring All The Hits!

Shalom Vagshal presents the third Kumzing album, featuring Mordechai Ben David‘s all-time best hits. The project features MBD together with Yishai Ribo, Naftali Kempeh, Shmuli Unger, Aaron Razel, Yeedle, Beri Weber, and Shloime Gertner. The Kumzing 3 project is the

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Zeira With A New Release “Beis Hashem”

All longings can be summarized in a sentence spoken by King David about three thousand years ago : “I sat in the house of Hashem all my life”. [Psalms 27,4] My actions are for Him and I am under His

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