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NEW! Meidad Tassah – Bisimchot Shelcha – SAMPLER

For those of you who haven’t heard of Meidad Tassah, he’s a child solo artist from Israel. Tassah had previously released two albums before this one. Against the Flame & Al Naharot Bavel. While we’re accustomed to hearing Tassah sing with a conventional sephardic song selection, on this album, Bisimchot Shelcha, he sings 27 chassidic style, wedding songs, with perfect Ashkenazic pronunciation. Dist. by Gal Paz

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[HT: JewishMusicReport for translation]

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Write a comment
  1. Kalebarkab
    Kalebarkab 9 June, 2009, 21:07

    I want to find good pop music. Help me please.

  2. moshe
    moshe 11 June, 2009, 19:59

    well gad elbaz is good i dont know if thats pop though

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