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After more than 2 years, Yaakov Shwekey is back in concert in BROOKLYN!
Following the recent release of his newest smash-hit album “Kolot“, Yaakov will be singing some of those songs live for the first time, as well as his greatest hits.
The concert will take place Monday, March 10th at 7:45 pm in Brooklyn College’s Walt Whitman Auditorium.
Appearing with Yaakov & singing songs from their new albums as well, are Baruch Levine & Simcha Leiner.
Music will be by the Yochi Briskman Orchestra and backup vocals by the Zemiros Choir.
Shwekey-Show hotline: 718-677-1010,
[email protected].

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Write a comment
  1. Asher Zemberg
    Asher Zemberg 24 January, 2014, 15:41

    This isn’t just a eening with one of jewish musics top performers he includes R’ Baruch levine and Simcha Leiner who both produce top quality music. for a concert what can be better?

  2. LA Muzik
    LA Muzik 1 February, 2014, 21:18

    The common demonator is that Yuchi briskman produces all of them. And now that simcha leiner is joining the gang Baruch Levines got slightly bigger on the poster

  3. out of towner
    out of towner 23 February, 2014, 21:08

    im from out of town soo I can never be at these amazing concerts…Yaakov shwekey is the best jewish singer….wish Yaakov shwekey will come do a concert here:)

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