Nafshi B’Sh’Ailati – The Debut Album From Harel Tal
A decade since the disengagement from Gush Katif comes the release of the debut album of Harel Tal, called Nafshi B’She’Ailati. He has already released two singles, one called Eit Dodim, with a new composition for the old poem, and V’Ani Ha’Eved, in which Harel refreshes the lyrics of Uzi Chaitman.
In the past decade Harel has put together a successful orchestra that performs at weddings and various events. The world of music has flown through his veins since he was a child, when he used to write songs and composed them too. The tremendously painful times of the disengagement from Gush Katif, where he grew up, gave him many talents and abilities, part of which was the composition inspiration he developed there. One of the well-known songs that he composed was Ein Kadosh Ka’Hashem, amongst others which he has performed with his band Lehava.
The great miracle that happened to Harel took place about two years ago. He was holding the Chuppah at his friend’s wedding, and then during Sheva Brachot he received a hard electrical shock and the microphone was stuck to the area of his heart. There were a few minutes without any heartbeat and a half hour of CPR, as one of the paramedics began to lose hope. However, the CPR attempts succeeded and Harel was taken to the hospital unconscious but breathing, and the doctors had no idea if or when he would wake up. After a day and a half he began to come back to himself slowly, and after six days he left the hospital completely healthy and with no lasting damage. The head doctor classified this as a medical miracle.
In the upcoming days Harel’s debut album will be released, called Nafshi B’Sh’Ailati. Some of the best musicians took part in the album, such as Avi Singolda, Amit Yitzchak, Avi Avidani, Adi Chait and others, and was musically produced by Avi Tal. The compositions on this album are completely Harel’s, the lyrics to the songs are based on Pesukim, and Piyutim.
Click PLAY below to hear the song Toisi Kaseh Toveid
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