Yishai Ribo Awarded With Gold Record At His Concert In Shonee Amphitheater
Its been a long time since Shonee Amphitheater saw such a special Jewish event. Thousands came to see and listen to Yishai Ribo at the performance of his life.
The crowd, which consisted of religious and secular, traditional and chareidi, ashkenazim and sfardim, followed the performances and sang along knowing the words to Yishai’s songs. The event had a very emotional moment when a young child who had battled cancer and thank Gd survived got up on stage with his father, who is a close friend of Yishai. Through tears, the father explained that what kept his son going through the pain and struggling was the song “Gam Ki Eilech B’Gei Tzalmavet“. As the child, continued getting better, all that was left was his dream to be on the big stage with Yishai. Yishai, along with the child and his father filled the theatre with hope and strengthened emunah as they sang the child’s favorite song along with the standing and crying crowd.
“This is a very significant and emotional evening for me” summarized Yishai after the show. “This was a performance I waiting for a very long time, and thank Gd it surpassed my highest expectations. What really affected me was the amazing diverse audience that sang along with me for all my songs”
After Tisha B’Av, Ribo will be performing throughout Israel so look out for a show near you.
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