Yoely Dikman Presents: Dovid Gabay | Naaseh V’nishma
The Rashi Yeshiva has produced and is set to release an album project of a number of major singers. The Rashi Yeshiva was established with the mindset of working to save challenged and at-risk youth. The musical production and arrangement of the album was overseen by Yoely Dikman. The album is called “Ha’Lider”, with the compositions of the talented R’ Zelig Lider. The album is dedicated to the Yeshiva which teaches youth who did not fit into the Yeshiva frameworks, and work very hard to enable these boys to build and establish beautiful homes and families.
Naaseh V’Nishmah is the name of the first hit song off this upcoming album. This song is full of adrenaline and sung by Dovid Gabay.
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