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A PARENT SPEAKS proudly presents: YAAKOV SHWEKEY Back in Brooklyn! with Baruch Levine

A PARENT SPEAKS  proudly presents: YAAKOV SHWEKEY Back in Brooklyn! with Baruch Levine


proudly presents

An Evening of Song
Celebrating Special Families

Back in Brooklyn!

Baruch Levine

Music by
The Yochi Briskman Orchestra

Monday, March 15th, 2010 – 7:45pm
The Millennium Theatre
1029 Brighton Beach Avenue

Ticket Prices: $25, $36, $45, $54, $75, $100, VIP
For more information, Tickets & Sponsorship
718-677-1010[email protected]

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1 comment

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  1. Jaqueline Abbed
    Jaqueline Abbed 16 April, 2010, 14:57

    I read your blog frequently and I just thought I’d say keep up the amazing work!

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