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Keli Ata V’oidecha – Amiran Dvir & Shlomo Gronich

Keli Ata V’oidecha – Amiran Dvir & Shlomo Gronich

Two voices tied together and four hands racing over the piano keys in unison, Shlomo Gronich and Amiran Dvir are splitting the gates of heaven with a song of thanks to Hashem. The song is to the words of Hallel, Keili Atah V’Odeka, the lyrics were written in a safe bombproof room, in the midst of a barrage of rockets into most parts of Eretz Yisrael. Amiran wishes that the Achdus that we have now should just remain this way, and together with Ahavas Chinam we will undoubtedly win. Am Yisrael Chai.

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Amiran DvirKeili Atah V'OdekaShlomo Gronich

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