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This is pretty cool Jewish Music news. Moshe Benasher, has made his new CD, “Soul Awake” available for free. Yes, the entire CD, all 8 track for free. It’s a Piano instrumental album featuring popular Chabad Niggunim.

Click here to download the entire cd.

Here is the full information on the CD via Shmais.

Download brand new Chabad Niggun CD for FREE*

Please read terms and conditions, then click on this link

That’s right. You read the caption correctly, completely free. Something you don’t get every day.

3 Reasons why is it free:
1) Why not?
2) The economy is in the dumps, and not everybody can afford to shell out $15 for a new cd.
3) So that when you share the downloads with your friends, it won’t be “Genaiva” Hence the word “Free”

So, really? There’s no catch?
C’mon, there’s always a catch. But this time, you don’t need to shell out $15 to buy the cd. You do, however, need to decide to follow one of the directives from the list below.
1) Take 15 minutes out of your day (must be at least 15) to learn Torah with a friend or a family member. Chassidus, Inyanei Moshiach VeGeulah, or Nigleh; Take your pick.
2) The day is short, the week is even shorter, but what’s 15 minutes of your time donated to the Rebbe’s Peulos? Spend an extra 15 minutes doing mivtzaim.
3) Ok, I said no money, I know, but with all the money you just saved downloading this CD, you can now donate 15 bucks to the tzedokah of your choice.

Wishing all a very simchadic year with all of the Rebbe’s Brochos bgashmius uberuchnius.Moshiach Now,
Moshe Benasher
[email protected]

[HT: lifeofrubin]

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Moshe Benasher

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1 comment

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  1. avi zuber
    avi zuber 5 September, 2009, 13:22

    thank you very much for the music. its great to see someone with such priority’s. may the Abishter bench all klal yisroel with a shana tova umesuka bchol tuv beruchniyus uvegashmiyus and the geulah haamitis vihashleima

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