A Taste of Ahrele Samet’s Upcoming Album: Lomir Dertzeilen – A Brand New Song with Aaron Razel & Neshama Choir

by yossi | February 8, 2025 9:03 pm

A tasting of Ahrele Samet‘s eagerly awaited upcoming album. 

The album features carefully selected songs from top Chasidic composers, performed to a high standard with the flavor of authentic Jewish music.

The final track, presented here, is a collaboration with artist and composer Rabbi Aharon Razel, known for his unique style. He composed this moving song using the holy words of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev זיע”א.

Listen & Enjoy!

Source URL: https://www.thejewishinsights.com/wp/a-taste-of-ahrele-samets-upcoming-album-lomir-dertzeilen-a-brand-new-song-with-yonatan-razel-neshama-choir/