by yossi | August 5, 2014 9:08 pm
Summer 2014 will be remembered by everyone for a long time. It was the summer that the three boys were killed, constant fear of rocket sirens, and a rare unity amongst everyone “Nachamu” is definitely the answer that everyone is looking for.
Aaron Razel has already had this song in his repertoire for 14 years. From that point, he had intended to release it during the month of Av. Now that it is finally coming out, it is with a deep relevance as a comfort to the families that have lost and to all of Am Yisrael that has gone through a very difficult time.
The song uses the famous passuk of Nachamu Nachamu Ami, but the second half of the song is from a not so well-known Medrash, that Hashem is asking us, as it were, to comfort Him as well. Razel learned this Medrash many years ago from R’ Shlomo Carlebach. Hashem is saying “Whose house was burned? Whose children are lost? Whose vineyard has been cut down? Who needs to be comforted? I do! Comfort me!”
During these difficult times, Nachamu realizes a major consolation to the nation that needs to be comforted, as well as to comfort.
Lyrics: Yeshayahu Hanavi & Medrash Yalkut Shimoni Eichah
Musical Production: Avi Tal & Aaron Razel
Composition, Piano & Vocals: Aaron Razel
Guitar: Amit Yitzchak
Cello: Yonatan Niv
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