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Aaron Razel Releases New Album “Kavati Et Moshavi”

Aaron Razel Releases New Album “Kavati Et Moshavi”

Eight months after releasing the single “Kavati Et Moshavi“, which became anthem for lovers of Torah in all sectors and chassidus, Aaron Razel finally releases his new album “Kavati“. This album is a significant event, identified many of the most influential cultural as the “event of the year in the Jewish scene” and the most important one in recent years.

The new album boasts ten songs, all masterpiece and sure to be popular hits. Razel will easily be a contender for the title of “top Jewish composer”. It is not just a collection of good songs, but a concept Album. “This new album represents the new artistic direction of Aaron, a line that runs full synergy with personal transformation and spiritual in which Aaron has experienced in recent years, when he joined the yeshiva. “Torah study changed my life,” says Razal. “The new album reflects a process I went through, some call it ‘Yeshivishe’. Kavati is crisp and clear and has a strong theme of love of Torah.”

Click PLAY below to hear the song Kama Tefilot

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Aaron RazelKavati Et Moshavi

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1 comment

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  1. aron
    aron 18 December, 2012, 14:10

    where can i get all the words to this song ?

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