Back to homepageJewish Music aficionados will immediately recognize Yossi Zweig’s name as the publisher of JE Magazine—the first full color monthly that gave over 30, 000 Jewish music fans a unique “front-stage/back stage “ perspective to the occasionally wild, sometimes wacky, always wonderful world of Jewish music. Seeing the writing on the wall, Yossi moved his magazine from “print to post” with the launch of JewishInsights.com…a highly popular, online music/entertainment/etc destination that gives visitors up to the minute information—and then some, about the ever expanding world of Jewish entertainment. Thanks to his intuitive ability to “sense the next big thing ”Jewishinsights.com “clicks” with over 50,000 visitors monthly. When not keeping people current with Jewish music and entertainment, Yossi works as a graphic designer creating ads, logos, brochures…and of course, CD covers. He lives on the outskirts of Lakewood, NJ with his wife and three daughters—all of whom know more about Jewish Music than anyone else on their block .
I have a new song i composed which i would love to send to TheJewishInsights to put on their website.
Thank you,
Yisroel Tzvi
I really like yehuda lueichter music,where can I buy his new cd?
when are you going to interview Baruch levine about his new cd on the Z report? I’ve been waiting for weeks!
where can i pick up the magazine, great website & shows, keep it going!!!
I am a middle school chorus teacher and some students were charged with the assignment to find songs that they like for a holiday concert. (I have 250 kiddos in my choir) Some of them brought your song “Those Were the Nights (of Chanukah)” to me. I love it! They loooooove it! I have been searching for the sheet music to purchase. I found guitar chords, but I would like to purchase the sheet music!
Please let me know if I could purchase this sheet music?
Very “Sing-cerely”,
Mandy P.
Hello, in this video clip “Malchus Choir & Yisroel Adler – Olam Haba” who are the four choristers next to Yisroel Adler ?
Thank you for your reply (in English) !
How can I subscribe to your website
Shavua tov
Hi Yossi Zweig This. Is Yakov Auerbach thanking you? For Bringing the Best .and Grreatest and the latest in jeweish Music you are my Best. and greatest freind and freind ever. have a nice night and love Yakov Auerbach youre Best feind trully and good freind. sincearlly