Achoseinu – Baruch Levine & Eitan Katz
Eitan Katz and Baruch Levine are now releasing a very special duet, based on the Bracha that was given to Rivka Imeinu when she left her father’s house to go and marry Yitzchak.
About 20 years ago, R’ Dovid Feinstein Shlita requested from his close talmid R’ Eliezer Chait to compose a melody to these words. There used to be a minhag to recite these words while the chosson would put the veil on the Kallah’s head. This minhag died down over the years but R’ Dovid wanted to revive it, and it seems that the best way to do so is through composing a melody for it. R’ Eliezer Chait composed it and Eitan Katz arranged the song and performed it together with Baruch Levine.
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