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Aharon Sitbon Prays for Peace with a New and Exciting Single – “Tefilla L’Shalom”

Aharon Sitbon Prays for Peace with a New and Exciting Single – “Tefilla L’Shalom”

The Chabad singer, Aharon Sitbon, releases a new and exciting single that he composed in the context of the complex period we are in, “Tefilla L’Shalom“, to the words of Eli Klein and Yitzy Berry, who worked on the song.

Aharon writes: We have been fighting for a long time, and we have not yet reached full victory… Maybe we will reach it, but unfortunately this path requires heavy sacrifices. Therefore, we pray – have mercy on us, Father, and send us the true and complete redemption very soon. A prayer for peace. After so many months of fighting, loss, and sacrifice, please HaShem , have mercy on us and bring us the true and complete redemption.

Music: Aharon Sitbon
Lyrics: Eli Klein & Yitzy Berry

Arrangement and musical production: Eli Klein & Yitzy Berry

Photography Photo: Mendy Kurant
PR: BaFront

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