AISH: What Makes Rosh Hashana Beautiful

Check out Aish Hatorah’s new Rosh Hashanah music video. Watch more Aish High Holiday videos at
Aish Singers:
Yaakov Yosef Spadaro
Dan Lerman
Yaakov Tzvi Hoffman
Aryeh Pridonoff
Additional Aish singers on the recording:
Moshe Chaim Eade
Yisrael Castel
Adam Douglas
Mordechai Snyder
Chaim Gamliel Busko
With thanks to One Direction
Directed by Shooteast
Produced and Created by and
Special thanks to Joshua Landes
Arrangement by Yaakov Yosef Spadaro
Musical Arrangement by Amit Ben Attar
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GREAT!! Yasher koach and may all the world be in for a k’tiva v’chatima tova!!
OMG this video is life!! I love you guys so much, you are so much better than one direction!! <333 Please get in touch with me pleaassseee!!!!!! Im jewish marry me!!!