Akavia- The Remix, Lkavod The wedding of Zevi & Sabina Kaufman
Just in time for the Yomim Noraim & Chagim, a fresh take on Zevi Kaufman‘s classic hit Akavia!!!!
The classic Gerer commentary, the Sfas Emes, has an original and revolutionary take on this poignant and empirical Mishna. He explains the apparent redundancy of the words “know from where you come & to where you go & before whom you will give judgment and accounting” in a novel way.
One can read it as harsh mussar or as wise words of encouragement, depending upon where the individual themselves is holding in their personal spirituality!! The mishna speaks to all people, regardless of their level , and in truth, both approaches are absolutely essential for one who endeavors to guard themselves from falling into the hands of sin.
Regardless, the words speak for themselves and encourage introspection and inspire us to re calibrate our moral compass in a direction that makes our Father in heaven proud. During the Yimei Elul we have the opportunity to truly reflect on the past, but even more importantly on our future and where we are headed. Let us all be zocheh to a ksiva vchasima tova & a din vcheshbon that is tallied with rachmanus min shamayim!! 🙂
-Zevi Kaufman
Akavia The Remix will be available as an EXCLUSIVE download on JI from Erev Rosh Hashanah till After Yom Kippur. Download the song FREE by clicking HERE.
Click PLAY below to hear the song
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