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FIRST TIME EVER! At the stunning state of the art, STATE THEATER in New Brunswick, NJ. A sound, stage, and lighting phenomenon! Only one, exclusive performance of the ALL – NEW MIAMI EXPERIENCE, MIAMI YAVOH in the NY/NJ area. Wed. eve. October 7, 745PM. Also starring Boruch Levine and the Miami Alumni. To purchase tickets go to JEWISHTICKETS.COM. Starting this Tuesday, see the spectacular Miami experience video clip, at MIAMIBOYSCHOIR.COM, MOSTLYMUSIC.COM, and many other Jewish websites.
Be a part of Jewish music history!

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AlumniBaruch LevineMBCMiamiMiami Boys Choir

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1 comment

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  1. fs
    fs 14 September, 2009, 15:56

    hey- why can’t i see the clip on the miami boys choir site and where can i see it on mostly music??

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