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Amram Adar: “Shalit”

Amram Adar: “Shalit”

Amram Adar (aged 33), married father of three, an investment broker living in Miami, Florida, travels all over the world in his private capacity, as a singer. Adar appears at luxury venues, accompanied by local orchestras presenting classic favourites, as well as Jewish ones. His specialty is without doubt exclusive occasions, as artistic director of lavish chuppas.

“Ever since I was born I have been surrounded by music,” says Adar. Later he performed in England whilst living in Israel. Having made a name for himself in the States, he served for eight years as chazzan of the popular Edmond Safra shul, before launching his career. The present album, his third, whose producer and musical director is Yitzchok Waldner, combines the talents of Moshe Laufer, Yonatan Razel, Mona Rosenblum, Leib Yaakov Rigler, Dr. Mordechai Sobol, Ofir Sobol, Shmuel Yona and others.

In the course of a number of visits to Israel over the past few months, the atmosphere created by the public demand for the return home of Gilad Shalit, found an echo in him. Adar decided to put other recordings on hold and to give himself up the subject that had moved him from afar: Gilad’s release. To this end, he enlisted the help of all the big names. The resulting song “Shalit” speaks not only of Gilad himself but also of others whose return we await, for whom we are responsible. “We must do all in our power to to bring Gilad home”, vows Adar. This moving song brings some of the biggest talents in Jewish music together: Yitzy Waldner the producer, and composer along with Shmuel Yona. The lyrics were written by Shmuel Yona and Moshe Klughaft.

Other musicians of the first order contributed their talents to the song “Shalit”. Backing is provided by the US based creative company The Playground which represents renowned artists all over the world. This imparts an international flavour to the song which looks set to capture the Israeli media as well.

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