“Aoufa Eshkonah” Like You’ve Never Heard It Before – Mendy Jerufi

Chasidic singer Mendy Jerufi had and continues to appears and perform at many celebrations/simchas over the years for the Abuchatzeira family. Over the years he noticed that the family and the Moroccan community in general really enjoyed a certain piyut. The piyut is called “Aoufa Eshkonah” and was written in honor of the “Baba Sali “Rabbi Yisrael Abuchatzeira zt”l.
Mendy took this piyut and made it into a mix of Moroccan folk song and contemporary modern music.
The special arrangements for the song were created by the talented Ami Cohen, who took the song and infused it with brilliant sound belongs to Yehuda Tamir.
Click PLAY below to hear the song
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