ARI GOLDWAG – It’s GESHMAK to be a YID! [Official Music Video]
Ari Goldwag is back with a brand new ‘Geshmake’ song – and ALBUM – It’s Geshmak to be a Yid! With people already billing the video as ‘Am Echad 2.0‘ there is good reason to be excited! The video features the original characters from Am Echad, but it is now 8 1/2 years later, and we see where they have gone. Featured in the video is the real-life story of the multi-talented ZEZY Fuld, who gets to include the different Ari’s – not only in his many activities – but also in his continuous Daf Yomi learning. Will Zezy finish Maseches Chagiga in time to be able to make it to the Siyum on Seder Moed? Who will help him along the way? You’ll find all this and more in the incredibly ‘Geshmake’ video – and you will also join in the end for a hearty ‘Mazel Tov!’
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