Ari Goldwag – Hafachta (feat. Hatzalah)

Ari Goldwag is back with another fun and inspiring video featuring the song Hafachta from the album “Lo Nafsik Lirkod” (Never Stop Dancing)! This time he has teamed up with the Hatzala Beit Shemesh team. This action-packed video features many teams playing in their respective contexts. But when the game is over, there is only one team that continues playing for you.
To donate to Hatzala Beit Shemesh:
Composed by: Ari Goldwag
Song Produced with: DL Productions (Dovid Lowy)
Music by Lukas Untersteiner and Ruby Antolin (Robot Jox)
Video by: Dovid Lavon (Lavonafilm productions
Video co-written by: Rachael Lavon
Video producer: Ms. Ann Lavon
Production assistant: Yussi Perlman (Perlman Imaging)
Technical engineer/advisor: R Levi Ustinov
Technical advisor: Eli Staiman (L.E. Productions)
Cameraman#1: Dovid Lavon
Cameraman#2: Yussi Perlman
Camerman#3: Dovid Reiter
Assistant#1: Jesse Listerine
Assistant#2: Rafi Weiss
Overseas support: Donny Sitko
Hatzala guy/dad: R Ephraim Greene
Hatzala son: Ezzy Greene
Hatzala guy’s house: The Greene family
Electric bike from: Rabbi Wolfson
Hatzala extra1: Menachem Wolf
Fans family: Yakov, Leah, Moshe, Simcha, Shira, and Hadassah Wolf
Baseball batter: Yoni Horovicz
Baseball behind scenes pitcher: Zach Horovicz
Hatzala extra2: Avi Horovicz
Emergency light provided by: Nachum Shore
Pool: Nevat Yisroel (Thanks for the help!)
Boy: Mordechai Lavon
Chicago Hatzala friend: R Tzvi Montrose
Yanky Schleimer Unit #60
Dovid Cohen Unit #58
Moshe Braun Unit #13
Yisroel Sherer Unit #52
Matan Nitzky Unit #12
And all the Hatzala Beit Shemesh team!
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