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Ari Goldwag “Jerusalem of Gold/Yerusholayim Shel Zahav” in Honor of Yom Yerusholayim

Ari Goldwag “Jerusalem of Gold/Yerusholayim Shel Zahav” in Honor of Yom Yerusholayim

In honor of today being Yom Yerusholayim Ari Goldwag released this version of “Yerusholayim Shel Zahav” composed by Naomi Shemer back in 1967. The original song described the Jewish people’s 2000-year longing to return to Jerusalem; Shemer added a final verse after the Six-Day War to celebrate Jerusalem’s re-unification, after 19 years of Jordanian occupation.

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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1 comment

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  1. Muslim
    Muslim 4 November, 2013, 10:09

    It will be taken back to their People , Learn the real History , and Just Wait .

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