Ariel Zilber’s Request – Refaenu Hashem [Official Video]
![Ariel Zilber’s Request – Refaenu Hashem [Official Video]](אריאל-זילבר-רפאנו-השם-הפרונט-870x774_c.jpg)
Ariel Zilber is a musician, singer, and a composer. He is one of the founding members of the Tammuz band, which is one of the pioneers in Groove and Israeli Rock, and has its name on a long list of hits that in a short amount of time turned into classics in the Israeli population.
Refaeinu Hashem, the well-known Bakasha from Shemoneh Esrai, was composed by Zilber himself. The Yedidim choir, led by Yaakov Rotblatt provided backup vocals, and Dani Kerk arranged and musically produced the song.
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