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Eitan & Shlomo Katz in Concert this Chol Hamoed ! 0

The 5th AnnunalJerusalem Theatre Simchat Beis Hashoeiva CD Release concert featuring Shlomo & Eitan Katz with special guest Chaim Dovid.Wednesday Night October 7th at 8:30pm. The Jerusalem Theatre, sherover Hall, 20 Marcus Street, Jerusalem. For more and to purchase tickets

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Rebbe Hills film début “The Legend of the Klei Yakar” opens this Chol HaMoed. 2

In this creative masterpiece, Rebbe Hill plays five different characters as well as performing all the voice overs. The film was shot in various locations including, Tarrytown NY, Sands point LI, the Lower east side just to name a few.

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CD Cover From Shua Kessin’s Upcoming Album 1

For updates go to or follow Shua at

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Country Yossi #156 to hit stands this Friday! 0

Also follow Country Yossi on twitter

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Town 6 Entertainment presets: ROCK AMI …starring MOSHAV, SOULFARM, GERSHON VEROBA, YOOD, PIAMENTA… 0

Town 6 Entertainment & Tightrope RNY Productions present The “ROCK’AMI” MUSIC FESTIVAL featuring MOSHAV BAND • YOOD • SOULFARM • GERSHON VEROBA • PIAMENTA • MAJUDA • SEMANTRA Date: Thursday, October 8, 2009 Time: 5:30pm – 11:30pm Location: KRAFT STADIUM

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Aderet Presents: KumZing! With Lipa Schmeltzer, Dovid Gabay, Berri Weber, Yosef Chaim …. 0

Shalom Vagshul of Haminagnam Orchestra, with Moishy Roth, bring you an evening of KumZing with Lipa Schmeltzer, Dovid Gabay, Berri Weber, Yosef Chaim Shwekey, Udi Davidi and Ori Avraham. Music produced and arranged by Moishy Roth. Features special guest Rabbi

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JI EXCLUSIVE! Michoel Schnitzler – Mein Kind Treff Mich Cover and Promo Clip 0

The all new Michoel Schnitzler CD in Yiddish “Mein Kind Treff Mich” will be released IY”H by Yum Kipper, with 11 all new Compositions by Lipa Schmelczer, pinky Webber, Motty Ilowitz, Naftali M. Schnitzler, Shauli Grossman, Moishe Weintraub (Israel), Yeedle

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COL Live 1st year Anniversary!! 0

This coming Sunday COLLIVE.COM is celebrating their 1 year anniversary with a Street fair called “New Site, New Torah, New Stars, New Year.” ColLive’s First Anniversary Hakhel Celebration. Sunday, September 13 2:00 pm-5:00 pm Concert 2:15 pm sharp Kingston Avenue

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AVRAHAM FRIED – ונתנה תוקף 0

Avraham Fried will be iy”h releasing a DVD between Succos and Chanukah of a concert he had last year in Eretz Yisroel. In honor of the upcoming Yomim Toivim he is releasing a single on the radio of a song

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Milk & Honey Productions presents: FRIED MIT LIPA – Simchas Beis Hashoeiva. Wednesday evening Chol Hamoed Succos. October 7th 2009 7:30pm SHARP. Borooklyn College. Special Feature: First time singing together! “Avremel & Lipa” Featuring the Shira Choir. Music by the

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