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Posts From yossi

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Yomim Noiroim by L’chaim SAMPLER 0

Yomim Noroiim is the latest hit from Lchaim. It boasts 31 amazing tracks that is gauranteed to bring you in the Spirit of the high holidays. The album features R’ Yermia Damen ,Moshe Shtekel ,Avremi Roth,and the Wonderkid Eli Striecher.

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Kivi & Tuvi “Who is He?” DVD (vol. 2) Preview 1

Kivi & Tuvi “Who is He?” DVD (vol. 2) is finally here! Featuring state-of-the-art animation and breath-taking, lavish graphics. Kinderlach of all ages will “Mamish Plotz” as they see Kivi and Tuki’s hilarious antics come to life! So will you!

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The Jewish Community of Atlanta presents SUKKOT at TWILIGHT featuring 8th DAY LIVE IN CONCERT Chol Hamoed Sukkot Tuesday, October 6, 2009 at Greenfield Hebrew Academy – 5200 Northland Drive 5:30-7:00pm. Food and family entertainment 7:00-8:30pm. 8th DAY Concert -GHA

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Countdown for the new Michoel Schnitzler Album, “מיין קינד טרעף מיך” 0

The all new Michoel Schnitzler CD in Yiddish “Mein Kind Treff Mich” will be released IY”H by Yum Kipper, with 11 all new Compositions by Lipa Schmelczer, pinky Webber, Motty Ilowitz, Naftali M. Schnitzler, Shauli Grossman, Moishe Weintraub (Israel), Yeedle Herhkowitz

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The NEW Yomim Noiroim by L’chaim 0

Yomim Noroiim is the latest hit from Lchaim. It boasts 31 amazing tracks that is gauranteed to bring you in the Spirit of the high holidays. The album features R’ Yermia Damen ,Moshe Shtekel ,Avremi Roth,and the Wonderkid Eli Striecher.

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Lineup for OHEL 5770 Announced on JM in the AM!! 0

Ohel Children’s Home and Family Services and the Americare Companies proudly present “MUSICAL INSPIRATIONS: Let the Journey Begin ….” Featuring an all new format of integrated live performances by all performers and original film. Be a part of this groundbreaking

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DJ Raidz Presents: Mima’amakim

After the success of the first album ” Club Tantz: The Coming Light”, Dj Raidz is back with the follow up album Mima’amakim. This CD will feature the same exciting and Leibidike beats with even more vocals then the first

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