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Taussig Fever Hits Israel!!! 0

It’s hard to believe that it has been just three short months since Shloime’s debut album hit the stores here in the United States. In that short amount of time, he has become a household name, as Jewish music lovers

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The 2008 Chabad Telethon Now Availabale on CD/DVD & DIGITAL DOWNLOAD 0

Since 1980, the Chabad L’Chaim-To-Life! Telethon has supported a network of 200 community centers and nonsectarian social services that educate, comfort and provide hope to those in need. This CD and DVD is a record of last years 2008 Telethon.

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Yerachmiel and Aaron Razel – Raza DShabbos

Two colleagues, or actually two friends, have started a new path. Each morning, the two friends study together, however, with time; Aaron Razel has discovered that his companion has composed many songs for the Shabbat. Yerachmiel Zeigler who is better

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Yossi Fraenkel Releases CD 0

Crown Heights-based singer Yossi Fraenkel has released his first album “Shira Besimcha.” It was co-produced by Shloimy Zeiger and the singer. he presents a preview audio clip. Jewish singer Yossi Fraenkel has recently released his first CD “Shira Besimcha.” The

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Benny Friedman Update! 0

Benny Friedman spent the day at The Playground (Ian Freitor’s studio) going over some final vocals for the upcoming album. They didn’t want to specify a release day yet “We don’t want to make any false promises”, but they do

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Michoel Schnitzler & Pinky Weber 1

Here’s a pic of Michoel Schnitzler & Pinky Weber working on Michoels new album entitled “Mein Kind Traft Mich” due out Yom Kippiur time.

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MRM presents: tantz and dance ROCK besimcha 0

MRM Music presents this great collection of your favorite hit ROCK style. What makes thisd album different is that it goes back to some real great hits like Yehuda!’s Modim, Efraim Mendelson’s Rak El Ovinu, Dedi’s V’kovei Hasham to Mendy

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Pinyele Singing by the Yaldei Dinner in Montreal 0

For more on Pinyele and his debut album please click HERE

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