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Posts From yossi

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Announcing: The Event! On Double CD & DVD!

Sheya Mendlowitz and Aderet Music are proud to announce the upcoming release of  “The Event.” This is a full recording of last years groundbreaking musical experience. The concert features Lipa Schmeltzer, Surprise Guest MBD, Dedi, Abie Rotenberg, & Pirchei Choir

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A T.I.M.E. Invites you to an exclusive event: Hope On The Hudson

A T.I.M.E. Invites you to an exclusive event: As we set sail for an unforgettable & inspiring evening aboard Cornucopia Majesty Luxury Yacht RSVP ONLY! Enjoy elegant dining as we cruise down the Hudson River Be- dazzled as we bring

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Michoel Schnizler album update! 0

To all Michoel Schnizler fans (who is not) We are proud to announce that the Father of Chasidish singers, Michoel Schnizler – famous with his musical humor and amazing talent, is back in studio working on a Neshume Flamm album

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NEW YORK (Billboard) – After numerous delays, Hasidic reggae artist Matisyahu’s third studio album, “Light,” is scheduled to be released August 25th. The 13-song set was recorded in numerous locations, including Jamaica, New York, Los Angeles and Virginia, over the

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Available after Tisha B’Av – Chaim Dovid and the Good News Bearers

Chaim David’s band HaMevaser Tov, is the gathering of not just hired-gun studio cats, but rather one homogenized unit, players whose music is more than just the sum of their individual parts. Natan (HaCohen) Rothstein, who has played keys alongside

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Available after Tisha B’Av – Rebbe Hill: Berel and The Tzadik

Shamsy is in trouble and he hasn’t paid the Poretz rent for two years Oy Vay!!!! The Poretz puts him in jail Oy Vay!!! Someone has to save him. Along comes Berel and bails him out of jail Oy Yay!!!

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Ari Goldwag “Ribono” Acapella

Someone just emailed this to me, it’s an a cappela track of Ari Goldwag singing Ribono. This song was on Shea Rubenstein’s CD. It’s composed by Ari Goldwag. It’s really amazing. I think this was one of the nicest songs

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Shloime & Libby Dachs cordially invite you to the OHEL BAR-Mitzvah-QUE Today July 21, at 7:00pm at the Agudah of Avenue M

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JI Exclusive! Gershon Veroba – Little David Acapella Single!

Download this free track of “Little David” from Gershon Veroba. Formerly titled “The Fight In The Man,” it was, originally performed by The Megama Duo in 1982 on the album, G-D IS ALIVE AND WELL IN JERUSALEM. No instruments were

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Moshe Goldman is back with Choimas Aish Camp Shalva #19

Camp Shalva #19 is back wit Yisroel Lamm this time. He arranged the first 2 and now we are at 19!  Choimas Aish is a real refreshment and true to the Camp Shalva name,with a big nice boys choir and

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