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Song: I’m Still You Child Sung by: Shloime Daskal Off the Album: Poseach Es Yodecha 2008 Lyrics by: Chaim Reinman Composed by: Yitzy Waldner. This song was inspired by a story that happened to someone that Shloime Daskal knew. He

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NEW! Shlock Rock For Kids 0

The newest Shlock Rock For Kids Release. Thirty Songs and Fifty Seven Minutes of Music. This is a phenomenal album. Out of the thirty songs nine are classic hebrew songs. Israeli Children Songs like Oogah Oogah Oogah, Nad-Ned, Yonatan Hakatan,

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DOVID STEIN – Inside Scoop. Updated cover & song preview 0

This Scoop just in: The album is now being called "MELECH!". Eli & Dovid added 2 songs since the album was named Muvtach and by far Melech became the standout!. Eli also says that Dovid Steins Master is being finished

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Newcomer Yumi Lowy 0

With so many new singers emerging every week, I thought I would educate you with some of the ones to keep an eye on. Yumi has been singing with Neginah for about 2 years now. His voice might sound familiar

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Lipa at The Big Top Chol Hamoed Succos 0

Bezras Hashem Yisborach, this coming Chol Hamoed Succos will feature an unprecedented, out-of-the-ordinary show starring the Ringling Bros. Since Lipa doesnt sing at mixed-seating events, there will be no live singing at this function. However, Lipa will attend and participate

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Yosef Chaim Bloch Website is finally up! 0

Well yet another performer has a website that has been launched. Yosef, who has been composing for years finally released his debut album in March 2007. Since then he has been on the Oorah cd a few concerts and singing

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MENACHEM MOSKOWITZ – Sampler – Presented by the Shira Choir 0

Shirah choir presents: A Beautiful new album from the famous wedding singer MENACHEM DAVID MOSKOWITZ, singing an outstanding collection of the greatest hits from the last decade in jewish music. Also featuring a hora song with brand new lyrics, done

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Nachum Hosts Yitzy Spinner and Avi Newmark for the Official Debut of ‘You and I’ 0

Nachum hosted Yitzy Spinner and Producer Avi Newmark live at JM in the AM this morning for the official debut of Yitzy’s new CD entitled “You and I.” They played several of the songs from the album, discussed upcoming projects

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16 questions with Yochi Briskman 0

So Yochi you are working on how many projects now? Acheinu III, Shloime Daskal II, and…. Shwekey V? Daskal is  basically done and will be available next week iy”h. Acheinu on the other hand will take a little longer though

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The first ever YEEDLE video interview on his latest album Lev Echod 0

We are proud to release the first in a series of video interviews. Yeedle Werdyger has been singing and making albums for the last 15 years. With his latest masterpiece “Lev Echod” just released we finally got a hold of

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