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Posts From yossi

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NEW Pruz music video – You’re Watching Me 0

This song was featured on Michoels latest album PRUZbul. You’re Watching Me was composed by Yitzy Waldner with lyrics done by female artist Chanale. The song is about how a person was saved from the Sbarro pizza bombing in Israel

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Yossi Mayer & Gideon Levine LIVE with Nachum Segal 0

Did YOU Hear Monday Night’s Edition of The Nachum Segal Show?!!. Click the link below to hear Monday night’s edition of The Nachum Segal Show when Nachum hosted the legendary producer, singer, & songwriter Gideon Levine with new singing sensation

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HEILIGER SHABBOS a Moshe Goldman Production 0

The new cd HEILIGER SHABBOS is a Moshe Goldman Production Arranged by his son Chaim Yitzchok Goldman ,has 12 beautiful tracks. Compositions include some of the great Bobov composers like Yossele Mandelbaum, Ezriel Mandelbaum, Chazkel Rottenberg,and  many more. They will

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CALLING ALL BANDS!!! Band Festival Project 0

Do you think you have what it takes? A unique CD project is being worked on, featuring the best of today’s Jewish bands, produced by Gershon Veroba, in cooperation with the bands themselves. This is a digital release being produced

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Avner Gold is BACK!!! First book in 20 Years! The Long Road to Freedom 0

In a remote fortress prison in the mountains of northern Spain, a young prisoner named Sebastian Dominguez languishes, waiting for the Inquisition to decide his fate. His father has been burned at the stake, but the rest of the family

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YOSSI MAYER IS HERE!!! See the Video Sampler 0

IN STORES NOW!!!. A beautiful album with a new rising star by the name of Yossi Mayer. His debut album will be called “Reb Meir Omer”. A GYL Production, Produced by Gideon Levine. Featuring music arranged by a talented and

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Kumzits on the Hudson 2 – VIDEO & Pix 0

Wow! What an evening. It’s about 11:45 and I just left Kumzits on the Hudson 2. It was rockin’, the boat I mean. The outing aboard the glorious yacht, Atlantica, was arranged by A TeeM production (Teeberg/Moskowitz). The stars were

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Six Days of Creation – Ari Boiangiu – Sampler

The Chassidishe Rebbes teach that Elisha HaNavi would only reach a level of prophecy when his musician not only played a niggun, but BECAME the niggun. If we allow it, music can connect us to Hashem through are own prophetic

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Cantor Yossele Rosenblatt – Od Yosef Chai

This year marks the 75th year since the passing of Reb Yossele Rosenblatt, the quintessential chazzan and the benchmark for excellence against whom all future chazzanim would be measured. Amazingly, despite the 75 years since his passing and the more

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Menachem Herman single Sweet Home Jerusalem

It’s been some time since we’ve updated you folks on what’s happening with Menachem. Time is precious for you, so we will keep it brief, & news worthy. Menachem has been busy, playing, traveling, playing & traveling some more. But

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