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Posts From yossi

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Yossele Rosenblatt – L’oilom Yehei Odom 0

L’chaim just released a new CD called “L’oilom Yehei Odom”. The CD contains songs o  fthe  WORLD FAMOUS Chazzan Yossele Rosenblatt.There are 3 main Chidishim (newness) to the album. (1) The new song L’oilom Yehei Odom a new song found

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Heimishe Un Geshmack 0

New from MRM Music comes Heimishe Un Geshmack “in the chassidishe oifen”. For the first time in history comes a unique selection of old classics. Complete with a full orchestra the Meshomrim choir and featuring Shloime Taussig, Cheskel Levi and

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Yeedle V – SAMPLER & VIDEO 0

Yeedle is approaching the finish line in assembling his fifth solo album. Years of meticulously selecting songs have resulted in a mix of brilliant melodies. He is featuring lively compositions from his father – the inimitable MBD; a masterpiece wedding

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Sam Glaser – HALLEL cd Sampler

Sam Glaser’s Hallel is a jubilant musical experience that expresses mankind’s ultimate joy and deepest gratitude. Incorporating the full text of the Hallel Service, the climax of the prayers on most Jewish holidays, the Psalms of King David take on

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Meidad Tasa’s new album 0

“Al Naharot Bavel” (On the Rivers of Babylon) – Meidad Tasa’s new album has arrived at the stores. The wonder boy Meidad Tasa, is no longer a kid anymore. The young lad celebrated his Bar Mitzvah last year and is

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L’chaim Kinder 0

L’chaim Kinder presents “Refueh Shlaimah” Moishele. This is a CD/tape that comes with a beautiful book to go along with the CD. This is the first in the series Lchaim Kinder (kids). The album is just packed with talent.  Produced

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The following was translated and used with permission from Is it a interview with Chassidic Superstar AVRAHAM FRIED about a new project he has undertaken. So please enjoy and let us know what you think. When the Chassidic musical

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Sheves Chaverim Available for Pre Order Now!

Sheves Chaverim is now available for pre order on If you order before it arrives in stores you will save $2 (Regular price: $14.99, pre order price $12.99)

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MELECH RACHAMON – Keser Melicho 2 : Nigunei Bais Viznitz SAMPLER 0

Melech Rachamon is beautiful Viznitzeh album with songs by the world renowned composer R’ Nissen Yust Z"L. this album is the second in the "Kesser Melicho " series (Vol 1. was released about a year and a half ago and

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