Available after Tisha B’Av – Chaim Dovid and the Good News Bearers
Chaim David’s band HaMevaser Tov, is the gathering of not just hired-gun studio cats, but rather one homogenized unit, players whose music is more than just the sum of their individual parts. Natan (HaCohen) Rothstein, who has played keys alongside Chaim David since 1986 is joined by bass player Avi (HaLevi) Hershberg and brothers Menachem and Ben Katz on drums and guitars respectively. Similarly to Chaim David and Natan’s long collaborative relationship, the latter three have played music together for nearly a decade and intuitively know each other’s music. HaMevaser Tov is truly a band in the sense that they are a ring, a circle with no starting or ending point. An encircling of music joined together by like minded souls listening to the melodic whole, singing a new song, a new story, bearing glad tidings and good news. Available from Sameach Music.
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