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Avi Kutner – Kol Haneshoma

Avi Kutner – Kol Haneshoma

Avi Kutner wrote this song to express gratitude for life’s blessings. The song was released in honor of his son’s birth. The words are about thanking Hashem for every breath and to never take life for granted.

Composed and Performed by: Avi Kutner
Arranged and Produced by: Jason Goldglantz, Gold records LLC

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1 comment

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  1. Musicgenie
    Musicgenie 13 November, 2018, 18:24

    What a breath of fresh air!Almost literally after hearing the words of the song!I know the composer personally and I wanted to wish him a beracha that his new son (adorable and beyond cute) should follow in his path and the path of his family. Tizku legadel ltorah, lchupa, ulamaasim tovim!

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