by yossi | September 21, 2014 6:50 pm
Now during the end of Elul, Singer Gil Ben Chaim is releasing a new song, “Avinu Malkeinu“, in order to help us prepare for the days of Teshuva. The song was composed from the sefer Daas Tevunos of the Ramchal, in which he points out the idea that Hashem believes in us that we will be good, even though at the moment we are steeped in sin and stupidity and he promises our Forefathers to bring us to Geula and not to leave us for all eternity.
Yaakov Assaraf did the arrangements and the musical production from “Sulam Yaakov” studios, and added an interesting mix of Mediterranean and Arabic instruments. Especially exciting is the music of violinist Oran Tzur, and the result is amazing.
Lyrics: Davening
Composition & Performance: Gil Ben Chaim
Arrangements and Musical Production: Yaakov Assaraf
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