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Avishai Rosen “Hayiti Boreach” The Second Single Off His Upcoming Album

Avishai Rosen “Hayiti Boreach” The Second Single Off His Upcoming Album

Singer and composer Avishai Rosen [16] continues to pave the way as a creative artist, who is working on a all new album with renown musical producer Rami Kleinstein.

Hayiti Boreach” – is the second single from the new album, in which Rosen returns to work with the arranger and musical director Avi Tal. The connection between the two, has produced quite a few hits in the past. What promises us a summer hit energetic and lively rhythms, and will have you singing from the first moment.

The new album which is in the final stages, shows the adult and mature side of Rosen, who pours personalized music experience for customers everyday, to the Israeli-Jewish music.

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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Tags assigned to this article:
Avi TalAvishai RosenHayiti BoreachRami Kleinstein

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