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Avishai Rosen “Tipot Shel Ruach” The First Single From His Upcoming New Album

Avishai Rosen “Tipot Shel Ruach” The First Single From His Upcoming New Album

Avishai Rosen has already climbed to the top of the performing world, having been on many different stages and events, as well as a soloist in the Kinderlach group.

Already at age 5, Rosen began to learn music in Dovid Kribusha’s school. At 7 years old, he began to learn to play on the piano, and at 10 he learned to play the drums and started vocal lessons as well. When he was 12 and a half years old he released his first album Tein Li Siman, which had a number of hits that led to him being given the title of “singer of the year” and “discovery of the year”.

Lately, Rosen has been working on his second album. Rami Kleinshtein, one of the top names in Israeli music, is in charge of the production. The album will have 12 original songs composed by Rosen himself.

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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1 comment

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  1. sam
    sam 22 February, 2015, 11:34

    זה מוזיקה יהודית? איפה הכיפה, איפה היראת שמים, זה לא פרצוף של בן תורה תסלח לי מר זוויג, בושה פשוט בושה וחרפה.
    כאן באירופה, אנשים מתבוללים יום יום עם גויות רחמנא לצלן.
    We growing Jewish assimilation down here in Europe and elsewhere, I think that Jewish chareidim cannot afford to PR that kind of borderline music.

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