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BARYO: Purim in Radio Kol Chai “Ohr Meyuchad”

BARYO: Purim in Radio Kol Chai “Ohr Meyuchad”

An exciting recording from the radio, fresh out of the oven!

Yesterday on Radio Kol Chai, literally just a few hours ago, Baryo was a guest in “Yossele’s Parliament”, in a forum program from midnight until the morning.
In the middle of the program Yossi challenged him with a surprise, that he would ask the listeners to send in lyrics which Baryo would then compose a tune for on the spot.
What resulted is an exciting, upbeat, and fun song, and the lyrics roughly translate to “someone who has an internal light in this world, will never be lost in darkness/מי שיש לו אור פנימי בעולם, לעולם לא ילך לאיבוד בחושך.”

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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BaryoRadio Kol Chai

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