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The Bat Mitzvah Song From Yaniv Ben Moshiach & Ami Maiman

The Bat Mitzvah Song From Yaniv Ben Moshiach & Ami Maiman

The Maiman family celebrated the Bat Mitzvah of their only daughter “Odi-ah” this week. Ami Maiman asked his good friend Dovid Zigman who is an amazing writer and gifted composer, to please compose a song for the occasion. Maiman wanted the song to be with a deep religious significance that would penetrate the hearts of those who would hear it.
David Zigman made ​​his remarkable song which did just that.
The song below is a work of art which was developed between two people of artists the radio broadcaster Ami Maiman and the popular singer sweet singer of Israel Yaniv Ben Moshiach.
The duet was performed/recorded by the arranger Udi Damari’s studio.
Within a few days, the song became a hit in demand on radio stations across Israel.

Lyrics and composition by: David Zigman
Arranged by: Udi Damari
Violins: Ronios
Guitars: Eric

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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Tags assigned to this article:
Ami MaimanDovid ZigmanYaniv Ben Moshiach

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