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Beautiful Song & Message For This Weeks YTI Erev Shabbos Release

Beautiful Song & Message For This Weeks YTI Erev Shabbos Release

This weeks Erev Shabbos release, bringing us to a world of hope, fear, helplessness, faith and just holding on for dear life while your children go through things you may not control. There are people all around us, going through tough divorces and losing their kids and the ability to protect them from seemingly damaging forces. There are kids who are sick, the parents at a loss at what to do. In those moments, we ask Hashem to deliver our children with complete soul and spirit back home, to their best possible destination. Deliver them on your eagles wings back home.

This song, titled “Kanfei Nesharecha – Your Eagles Wings” is sung by special guest Izzy Schwartz of Lakewood, NJ. This individual is someone who has been facing such challenges over the past year. He has been persevering with incredible mental and emotional strength, a huge heart, and faith that Hashem is watching over our children no matter what we can control today. This makes for a powerful and emotional vocal performance, sure to move you in a deep way. Izzy, thank you for making this song what it became. Also featured this week is brand new YTI member Refoel Himan, player of six instruments and a real-deal music creator. He is all over this track, you are sure to enjoy what he brings to the table. Last but not least, brand new addition Eli Vogel rounds out the vocal lineup with his smooth signature sound and real depth. Expect to hear much more from this guy going forward. Composed/additional vocals by Chananya Begun. Listen, enjoy, be inspired, let’s be there for those who can inspire us with their strength, those who we can all learn from. Have a wonderful Shabbos!

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