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“Bein HaTzlilim” The Last Single From The New Album From Yonatan Razel

“Bein HaTzlilim” The Last Single From The New Album From Yonatan Razel

Bein HaTzlilim – the theme song and the third and final single from the upcoming album from Yonatan Razel which followed the hit single “Hagaguah” and “Kotointi” which have been released over the recent months on radio and online.

The album will be released on November 30th, a little more than five years after the release of his debut album, “Sach Hakol” which has achieved gold status, has sales of more than 30,000 copies and left fans wanting more. Now Razel returns with a new album.

Razel gracefully captivating spell all types of audiences: the religious and the secular and the passing of the wonderful creations “Kotointi“, “Hagaguah“, and “Nigun Belz” that captured the attention to various radio stations and won the Razel warm responses of the radio along with the general public.

The album contains 10 new songs including songs penned tunes and texts from the scriptures.
Musical production: Eviatar Banai.

Razel, a native of New York came to Israel at a young age as a child studied classical music and learned to play the piano and cello, composition and conducting. As a young man he took a record composition with his brother. Army enlisted an outstanding musician
Upon his release, went on to study conducting and afterward worked as a conductor Israel Chamber Orchestra The Raanana Symphonette – and then appeared with various orchestras in the sand.
In 2007, he took his debut album “Sach Hakol” musical produced by Eviatar Banai which was a great success and has achieved gold album.
Ghazal in 2008 published a new version of the song, and she stood, it composed and arranged and performed a duet with Chasidic singer Yaakov Shwekey which was a great success and recorded many cover versions.

In 2011 he won work from ACUM.
Razel often performs all over the world as a solo act and also as a conductor and arranger.
He is married, a father of four divides his day between Torah study and creative writing musical.

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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Bein HaTzlilimSach HakolYonatan Razel

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