Berel Honig Feat. Eli Marcus – Mi Bon Siach

When I got engaged, I told my father I wanted something unique for my chupah, going through the songs normally sung by a chupah. We tried to match a song for each one but when we got to Mi Bon Siach; we couldn’t come up with anything that we liked that hasn’t been sung by other chupahs sitting there an idea popped into my fathers head, and it all went from there we worked on it together until we had a finished product which we then sent to House of Music studios to develop and create the music after that was done I asked my good friend Eli Marcus who will be singing at my wedding to sing it in the studio and he agreed after that me and my father recorded some vocals and BH we have the finished product.
Produced By: A House Of Music
Composed By: Yitzchok & Berel Honig
Mixing & Mastering By: A House Of Music
Soloist: Eli Marcus & Berel Honig
Recorded At: House Of Music
Cover Design By: Paradigm Design Group
Description By: Paradigm Design Group
Digital Marketing: Motty Klein • @MusicOnTime
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