by yossi | January 23, 2011 11:11 pm
Levie Kanes presents
Cantor Zvi Weiss
“Ribono Shel Olam”
Orchestration and musical scores by Menachem Bristowski
Zvi Weiss was born in 1986 in New York and immigrated to Israel at age of six. Zvi is the son of the well known Cantor and composer Jonathan Weiss. Zvi learned nusach and hazanut by Hazzan Shalom Lantosh. Weiss possesses a beautiful sweet voice and has a great range. Zvi studies currently at the Tel Aviv Cantorial Institute headed by the famous cantor Naftali Hershtik. Recently Zvi Sang on four concerts in Israel with the
Raanana Symphony Orchestra directed by-Maestro Eli Jaffe who wrote Ani Rishon Ve’ Ani Acharon for this album. Weiss took the place of Cantor Haim Adler the past two years for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur at the Kehillat Ahavat Torah in Engelwood,NJ. Presently Zvi appears in Major Synagogues on Shabbatot and delights the public with his original nusach and chazonus. Zvi Weiss will debut his CD at a concert on the 6th of February 2011 at the Young Israel Beth El[1] of Borough Park at 4802-15th Ave Brooklyn NY at 7 p.m. sharp. This event sponsored by Mostly Music who are the exclusive distributors of this CD.
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