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A Single Off The New Upcoming Acapella Album From Meir Ben Dror

Singer and composer Meir Ben Dror performs a vocal performance of Mordechai Shapiro‘s hit – “Boker Tov“. The song will be featured on his new upcoming acapella album which is being released Motzei Shabbos. The lyrics and melody were composed/written

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Yonatan Razel In The Acapella Version Of The Song “Mehager”

On the occasion of the sefiras HaOmer, Yonatan Razel is releasing a special performance of his latest single ‘Mahagar‘ in a vocal version adapted for later days. His joint musical production with Itai Tzuk. Yonatan Razel says: “With bare hands

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Meir Hajby With An Acapella Cover For Ribo’s Hit Song

Acapella artist Meir Hajby in a vocal version of Yishai Ribo‘s new song “Lo Nafsik Lachlom“. Lyrics and melody: Yishai Ribo, musical arrangement and production: Menachem Munis

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Shalom Bernholtz Opens Up Sefira With A New Vocal Version Of The Song “Am Segula”

As every year with the beginning of Sefiras HaOmer, singer Shalom Bernholtz releases a vocal version of one of his songs, and this time a light and refreshing production of his pop song that came out about a year ago

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