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The Chuppa of Dreams: Aaron Teitelbaum Production

This magnificent clip features a truly distinctive Chupa that was performed in the New York Hilton, inspiring and amazing thousands of guests with a beautiful and unique musical demonstration. This stirring Chupa was produced by Aaron Teitelbaum and is testimony

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New Video Promo of the Upcoming Mizumen Album!

Heshy Rubin, Srully Williger & Gideon Levine bring us the brand new super group, Mizumen! Enjoy this stunning video promo featuring 4 of the songs from the upcoming album, Do the Daf, Hinei Anochi, Mimkomcha & Our Identity. Heshy Rubin

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Shloime Gertner A – Z Report

In this edition of the Z Report we catch up with a singer from across the Atlantic that made it BIG a few years ago with his debut album “NIssim”. Of course I am talking about Shloime Gertner. Shloime hot

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Elad Shaer – Hotzei Mimisgar Nafshi

Elad Shaer, one of the industry’s leading singers, released a new single called “Hotzei Mimisgar Nafshi”, a bouncing and rhythmic song as only Shaer knows how. From his upcoming album,”Abba Shel Kulom”, based on a known secular song. Shaer took

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Nachum Segal Hosts the Legendary Country Yossi and Heshy Walfish LIVE at JM in the AM

It was an historic morning of Jewish radio when Nachum hosted the legendary Country Yossi and Heshy Walfish live at JM in the AM to celebrate the release of the new Country Yossi and the Shteeble Hoppers CD, “Ride Again.”

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FDD Productions presents: Ovinu Malkeinu

New Song For The New Year Ovinu Malkeinu Words and Music: Yishai Lapidot Arrangements: Eli Cohen & Itzi Berry In honor of the upcoming New Year, religious artists joined together from all ends of the spectrum to produce a song

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Slichos with Yehuda Green

The Carlebach Shul presents Slichos with Yehuda Green Saturday Night (Motzei Shabbos) September 4th, 2010 NEW LOCATION DUE TO POPULAR DEMAND: West Side Institutional Synagogue 120 W. 76th Street (Between Amsterdam & Colobum Avenues) 12:15am Rabbi Naftali Citron will offer

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Chaim Israel also wants to go to Uman

Chaim Israel released a a new single for the New Year and in honor of Rabbi Nachman. The song “Rosh Bnei Yisrael” fwhich has the roshei teivos  Rebi (Reish Beis Yud) Lyrics By: Yossi Gyaspne – Composer: Adi Leon –

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Dovid Gabay Sings Brand New Hit Song “B’simcha”

Dovid Gabay sings with EvanAl his new hit song “bsimcha” at the “Concert On The Lawn” to benefit the wonderful Yeshivah of South Shore” led by R’ M. Kaminetzky.

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Nachum Segal and The King of Shlock Celebrate ‘A Shabbat in Liverpool’

In honor of the new Shlock Rock CD “A Shabbat in Liverpool,” Nachum presented a great morning of Jewish radio with Lenny Solomon, the King of Shlock, on this morning’s JM in the AM. Nachum and Lenny played several of

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