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Coming Next Week! Shlock Rock Shabbat In Liverpool

Prepare for Shabbat in Liverpool! After five years it has finally happened! Earlier this year Shlock Rock announced that they acquired licensing for “Shabbat in Liverpool”! This project which takes twenty seven songs from the Beatles and puts them to Shabbat prayers

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Modim – Aryeh Kunstler

Aryeh jamming on a new song from “Our Eyes Are You” in San Diego, CA

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Yumi Lowy sings at Yad Ephraim Event

Yumi Lowy sings at Yad Ephraim yearly volunteer Appreciation Dinner held at Artistic Framing on 13th Ave. in Boro Park August 4 2010 Yad Ephraim is a wonderful organization a group of dedicated volunteers who assemble and distribute complete dinner

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Avi Ben Israel & Gad Elbaz sing Kasher Telchi Eilech

Avi Ben Israel & Gad Elbaz perform the song together, “Kasher Telchi Eilech“, a hit emerging new canopies. Avi will be releasing this song his upcoming album “Mechake Lanes” which should be out soon. This song from Megillas Ruth, the

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ColLive covers Kutchers show: Benny Friedman, Yehuda Green & Michoel Schnitzler

A Melava Malka Malka concert starring Benny Friedman, Michoel Schnitzler and Yehuda Green took place Motzei Shabbos at the new Kutsher’s hotel in Monticello, NY. A Melava Malka Malka concert starring three Chassidic singers took place Motzei Shabbos at the

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YBC rehersal in Israel

Kibbutz Tzora, August 5, 2010 The Finale with the younger part of audience on stage

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YBC Live! in Mofaim Tzora ISRAEL Pictures

But instances kibbutz near Beit Shemesh wasp was a festive night ever, and not for nothing. A first instance (first of a series of three shows) by Eli Gerstner Yeshiva Boys band – first time in Israel, took place there.

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Baryo Unplugged Live “Shivat Tzion” on Radio Kol Chai

Live Single Baryo spent the summer learning intensively in Yeshiva “Torah V’daat” in Brooklyn, New York, where he ‘s studying for the past three years.  In between study sessions, he managed to to appear in weddings and other events.  The

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New single from Pirchei Yisroel “Yisrael Meoz Ulitamid”

Pirchei Yisroel was founded by Hanan Avital in 1975 and is considered the oldest in the country. The group of children range between the ages of 9 to 14. The choir consists of immigrants from Russia, Ethiopia and South America.

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Lechayos Es Chai – Micah Oved

Micah has been playing the guitar from the age of 14. At 16 he moved to Safed for a period, a sustained atmosphere was inspiring to him and helped him composed several songs. Later he released his debut album “Azkara

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