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Lipa sings at Nikelsburg wedding a new song for the simcha

Lipa sings at Nikelsburg wedding a new song for the simcha,

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Pictures from “Shwekey Returns to Caseria” Show

The huge audience was thirsty for his songs, and the last 2 nights chassidic singer Yaakov Shwekey did not let them down when he appeared for the second time Hall of Fame of Israeli music. The stadium at Caseria was

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Coming soon “Non-Stop Chabad” from Zalman Goldstein

Zalman Goldstein does it again! The hard-working producer of the Chabad Classics series and Jewish Learning Group publications has not one, but two niggunim CDs going to press as we type this! Chassidic Breeze features Alicia Svigels and other top-of-the-line

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Rehearsel For Dovid Gabay’s New Song B’Simcha Tomid And Audio Sample From CD

Music By Kol Sasson Orchestra. Video By Motty Engel 917-627-3275 Chemy Soibelman – Drums, Bitz Bree – Percussions, Sammy Kissel – Guitar, Lenny Friedman – Trumpet, George Zorko – Trombone

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Benny’s No Lyrics – in Rap

A new singer Brad Wallace teamed with Bentzy Marcus (8th Day) to record a rap remix to Benny Friedman‘s single “No Lyrics.” Original track by Benny Friedman Lyrics by Brad Wallace Produced by Bentzy Marcus Additional vocals by Chabad day

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Photos & Videos from Avraham Fried Concert in Sultan, Israel

Avraham Fried performed last night at a concert in Sultan in Jerusalem. Sultan is a An ancient pool in the valley of Hinnom, beneath the west side of Mt Zion. It was part of the water supply system of Jerusalem

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JJ Fried presents Mazel Ubrocho

JJ Fried presents “Mazel Ubrocho”. Its been nearly a decade since JJ Fried released a album. When asked the reason for doing so now he answered “I feel that people need and want a more simple album where the melody

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Yitzchak Fuchs and Shloime Taussig in Studio

Footage of the newly composed single song by R’ Yitzchok Fuchs”Lashem Haaretz Umloah” Produced by Yossi Tyberg & Gershy Moskowitz Song Composed by R’ Yitzchok Fuchs Technical Assistance by Chaim Lowy Arranged By Ruli Ezrachi Keys & Programming by Ruli

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“Ani Nischaf” – Itzik Dadia debut album’s second single

Itzik Dadia releases his second single “Ani Nischaf“. Words and Music by Sharon Avilhak, Musical Production by Doron Elimelech. After the amazing success of Itzik Dadia’s first single “Ma Sheyehiyeh” and tour in both Brazil and Italy Itzik releases his

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“Derech Chadasha” – Chaim Israel

Chaim Israel one of the great middle eastern singers. Behind him more than ten are considered inalienable goods in music. Chaim’s big break was with the hit song “Yisgadal Vyiskadash” more then a decade ago, and from there its all

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